Technology to
Your Business
jācapps develops custom software applications including mobile apps, web applications, and other digital technologies
Big fm
and Define
We work with you to discover your business needs and define the project scope
Town crier wire
and Plan
We combine skill and strategy to make sure your apps look great and are easy to use
Michigan Public
and Build
Our development teams bring your application to life
pod mn
and Support
Once deployed, we continue to provide support for anything regarding your app
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Applying Technology to Your Business Challenges

jācapps develops custom software applications including mobile apps, web applications, and other digital technologies

big fm
Discover and Define

We work with you to discover your business needs and define the project scope

town crier wire
Design and Plan

We combine skill and strategy to make sure your apps look great and are easy to use

michigan public
Develop and Build

Our development teams bring your application to life

Deploy and Support

Once deployed, we continue to provide support for anything regarding your app

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what can we help with

Our highly collaborative, four-step process results in outstanding custom apps. We discover, design, develop and deploy. We work with you to find the inspiration to move forward and to determine what your needs are. Because we are dedicated to your success, we keep a close eye on the apps once they’ve been launched for any potential problems and to help you navigate the inevitable new devices and software updates.

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2 Things NPR News Stations Should Do Before The Election

By Fred Jacobs | September 20, 2024

In just 45 days, America votes (of course, vote by mail has already started), but how will your radio station fare in the heat of this historic moment? If you run a news station, especially in the pubic radio space, you’re probably walking a razor’s edge between attracting audience and repelling them. Today, JacoBLOG is here to help, with exclusive new data from our yet-to-be-released PRTS 2024 study. There are insights here for everyone in radio. Dig in.

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Can Your Brand Pass The Spell Test?

By Fred Jacobs | September 19, 2024

As our world becomes overrun by millions and millions of brand names, simplicity and clarity matter. How you spell and pronounce and brand name – especially an new one – matters in a world of search engines, bots, and app stores. I’ve got examples, including a couple that are close to home.

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The Value Of Staying In Your Lane

By Fred Jacobs | September 18, 2024

Everybody knows the radio business is the most competitive of them all. Except it’s not. They’re ALL competitive. And in today’s post, we take a walk down the grocery aislee to provide a great object lesson about what profitability and sustainability look like. Just watch that spill on aisle 7.

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Extending Your Radio Brand

By Fred Jacobs | September 17, 2024

Launching a new brand or format in radio has become a risky business. But what about figuring out how to successfully extend the brand of an existing show or station? One of the most famous network TV shows is right now in the middle of this process. And it provides great lessons and “best practices” for radio stations and companies. Click READ MORE and let’s take a look.

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In Praise Of Great Storytellers

By Fred Jacobs | September 16, 2024

Now more than ever, consumers love a great story. Whether rooted in sports, music, pop culture, or the news of the day, great strories – and the people with the talent and the cred to tell them – are at a premium. In radio, how companies utilize their beet storytellers may indeed determine whether they thrive….or survive. It all comes down to that person tellling the storyz; do you trust them, are they the genuine articled, do they make you care?

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2 Things NPR News Stations Should Do Before The Election

By Fred Jacobs | September 20, 2024

In just 45 days, America votes (of course, vote by mail has already started), but how will your radio station fare in the heat of this historic moment? If you run a news station, especially in the pubic radio space, you’re probably walking a razor’s edge between attracting audience and repelling them. Today, JacoBLOG is here to help, with exclusive new data from our yet-to-be-released PRTS 2024 study. There are insights here for everyone in radio. Dig in.

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Can Your Brand Pass The Spell Test?

By Fred Jacobs | September 19, 2024

As our world becomes overrun by millions and millions of brand names, simplicity and clarity matter. How you spell and pronounce and brand name – especially an new one – matters in a world of search engines, bots, and app stores. I’ve got examples, including a couple that are close to home.

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The Radio Experience: Keeping It Fun And Entertaining

June 11, 2024

Since the darkest days of COVID, consumers have been itching to get out, travel, and enjoy life with family and friends. And records are being set for leisure and recreational spending. It means there’s more competition for the entertainment buck as new, innovative and fun concepts spring up in cities and towns all over the country. In Las Vegas, it’s Sphere, but in other locales, consumers are throwing axes or playing elaborate rounds of mini-golf. In 2024, it’s all about the experience. And wouldn’t you know it, radio plays a larger role than you might think. What’s the coolest new entertainment concept you’ve experienced in the past year? I’ll be happy to show you mine. Just click READ MORE.

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Is It Time For Radio Broadcasters To “Thelma & Louise” Over The Demographic Cliff?

June 10, 2024

Radio’s not the only traditional media platform struggling in the revenue column of those harsh spreadsheets. In fact, network television has had a financial famine for some years now, due in large part to its aging demographics. But now a philosophical shift in marketing focus is spreading throughout the TV industry. Could it provide radio “cover” to make an attempt at the same strategy?

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Where’s My #!&$% Car Radio?!

June 7, 2024

The “AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act” continues to ricochet around the nation’s capitol. Over the past year, the idea of car companies removing AM radio from the dash – once unspeakable – has become a regular conversation in automotive and radio broadcasting circles. But across the pond, a couple of car makers have quietly omitted a radio altogether, and they hope no one notices. Thanks to an industry colleague, we’ve noticed. And if you click on READ MORE, so will you.

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