Technology to
Your Business
jācapps develops custom software applications including mobile apps, web applications, and other digital technologies
Big fm
and Define
We work with you to discover your business needs and define the project scope
Town crier wire
and Plan
We combine skill and strategy to make sure your apps look great and are easy to use
Michigan Public
and Build
Our development teams bring your application to life
pod mn
and Support
Once deployed, we continue to provide support for anything regarding your app
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Applying Technology to Your Business Challenges

jācapps develops custom software applications including mobile apps, web applications, and other digital technologies

big fm
Discover and Define

We work with you to discover your business needs and define the project scope

town crier wire
Design and Plan

We combine skill and strategy to make sure your apps look great and are easy to use

michigan public
Develop and Build

Our development teams bring your application to life

Deploy and Support

Once deployed, we continue to provide support for anything regarding your app

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what can we help with

Our highly collaborative, four-step process results in outstanding custom apps. We discover, design, develop and deploy. We work with you to find the inspiration to move forward and to determine what your needs are. Because we are dedicated to your success, we keep a close eye on the apps once they’ve been launched for any potential problems and to help you navigate the inevitable new devices and software updates.

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Better Radio Through Chemistry?

By Fred Jacobs | September 6, 2024

Podcasters of all shapes and sizes are grappling with hosting challenges that will sound all too familiar to radio programmers and hosts. In today’s post, it’s a statement of the obvious from podcasters striving for talent chemistry. Prepare those eye rolls.

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The New Fall Season

By Fred Jacobs | September 5, 2024

Welcome to the new season!  We can look forward to great football, a new school-year, new TV shows, and — this year — big AI…

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In Search Of…Female PDs

By Fred Jacobs | September 5, 2024

Women have made major strides in radio over the past decade. Just look who’s sitting in the corner offices at some of radio’s biggest companies. But when it comes to the PD chair, not so much. Today’s #TBT blog post is all about mentoring women seeking programming positions, and how some of radio’s key players can work together to make it happen. After all, we need the best, smartest, and hardest-working PD we can get. Of course, more progress could certainly be made, and this post makaes that case.

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What ESPN’s New Game Plan Means To Radio

By Fred Jacobs | September 4, 2024

One of the world’s premier media brands, ESPN, is going through a major transformation. And the analogies to radio are spot-on. I’ve listed 8 different initiatives ESPN is undertaking that all have applications to the radio businiess. And in case you’re wondering, it’s not about money, it’s about mindset.

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Who Cares What Talent Thinks?

By Fred Jacobs | September 3, 2024

As we move into the last half of the year, radio broadcasters are trying to answer fundamental questions about the state of the industry. A major part of this calculus is determining the role of the personality moving forward. Our new AQ6 indicates there are key lessons here for owners/operators – IF they take the time and make the effort to learn them. Today’s blog post tells that story.

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Improving Patient Engagement and Wellness with Mobile

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 13, 2018

As healthcare spending in the U.S. continues to grow (currently nearly 18% of GDP) and as accountability in healthcare becomes a bigger and bigger issue,…

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How Mobile Apps Are Transforming the Construction Industry

By Elizabeth Hussey | August 30, 2018

According to PwC Global construction output is estimated to grow 85% to $15.5 trillion by 2030. In order to support this increased work load many…

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our blog

Better Radio Through Chemistry?

September 6, 2024

Podcasters of all shapes and sizes are grappling with hosting challenges that will sound all too familiar to radio programmers and hosts. In today’s post, it’s a statement of the obvious from podcasters striving for talent chemistry. Prepare those eye rolls.

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The New Fall Season

September 5, 2024

Welcome to the new season!  We can look forward to great football, a new school-year, new TV shows, and — this year — big AI announcements. On the calendar, we’ll be paying attention to: * September 10 – Apple Event…

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In Search Of…Female PDs

September 5, 2024

Women have made major strides in radio over the past decade. Just look who’s sitting in the corner offices at some of radio’s biggest companies. But when it comes to the PD chair, not so much. Today’s #TBT blog post is all about mentoring women seeking programming positions, and how some of radio’s key players can work together to make it happen. After all, we need the best, smartest, and hardest-working PD we can get. Of course, more progress could certainly be made, and this post makaes that case.

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