from Jacobs Media
Don’t you love it when new research studies debunk our longstanding conventional wisdom? I just found a study that shows that despite our desire to get out of the house post- COVID, most Americans are spending more time at home – by themselves. For the radio broadcasting industry trying to find its footing in an unsettling new year, following the audience – the gadgets they own and the platforms they use – might be a strategic way to gain that competitive edge back. Click “READ MORE” to follow my logic.
Read MoreI’ve been especially vocal this year about the premium value of personalities to broadcast radio, particularly when new RIFs are announced. But now we’re seeing proof that talent trumps playlists. In fact, brand new data from our soon-to-be-released Techsurvey 2025 shows the audience is onto recent talent cuts.
Read MoreA 1,300 job radio RIF? It happened last week to Voice of America and its associated services. Of course, it’s a political story and a radio story. Most Americans tune in shows like Elvis Duran and Delilah, but more than 420 million listeners around the world cume VOA – or at least they did. Thoughts on what it all means in today’s blog post.
Read MoreWere radio DJs from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s the original “influencers?” Maybe so. But today’s social media pitchmen and pitchwomen are likely pocketing a lot more revenue than radio personalities ever made from bar nights, phone store grand openings, and live endorsements. Is “influencer marketing” a place where still-popular radio personalities can go? And what can they learn from both teenage and geriatric influencers with big followings and the ability to sell lots of stuff?
Read MoreEight years ago right now, the 45th President – Donald J. Trump – was about halfway through the first 100 days of HIS FIRST TERM. Here we are exactly eight years later, and it’s a case of “deja vu all over again.” What did the media – especially radio – learn from the chief executive where the “gold T” stands for turbulence. Welcome to this week’s #TBT.”
Read MoreIn our effort to analyze whether the word “radio” should give way to more expansive terms like “audio” or even “media,” we might want to pay attention to a growing phenomenon: more and more “amateurs” are creating their own radio stations in their workplaces, often accompanied by much joy, enthusiasm, and passion. What does this say about how consumers value the romance of “radio” but also how they feel about us broadcasters?
Read MoreApril showers, May flowers, June PRTS. Perhaps not romantic or even memorable, but for all of us at Jacobs Media and PRPD (now known as…
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Don’t you love it when new research studies debunk our longstanding conventional wisdom? I just found a study that shows that despite our desire to get out of the house post- COVID, most Americans are spending more time at home – by themselves. For the radio broadcasting industry trying to find its footing in an unsettling new year, following the audience – the gadgets they own and the platforms they use – might be a strategic way to gain that competitive edge back. Click “READ MORE” to follow my logic.
Read MoreI’ve been especially vocal this year about the premium value of personalities to broadcast radio, particularly when new RIFs are announced. But now we’re seeing proof that talent trumps playlists. In fact, brand new data from our soon-to-be-released Techsurvey 2025 shows the audience is onto recent talent cuts.
Read MoreA 1,300 job radio RIF? It happened last week to Voice of America and its associated services. Of course, it’s a political story and a radio story. Most Americans tune in shows like Elvis Duran and Delilah, but more than 420 million listeners around the world cume VOA – or at least they did. Thoughts on what it all means in today’s blog post.
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