from Jacobs Media
Today, radio PDs have unprecedented pressure. They often wear multiple hats, and most have little in the way of support staffs. Budgets are tight – or maybe nonexistent. PDs often put in long days, and may wonder when they head home, what they actually accomplished that day. So, the ideas is to focus on accomplishing just ONE thing that improves the station every day. I’ve put together a healthy list, but I bet many of you can easily add to it. What’s the ONE thing you can do that would make your station better today?
Read MoreDon’t you love it when new research studies debunk our longstanding conventional wisdom? I just found a study that shows that despite our desire to get out of the house post- COVID, most Americans are spending more time at home – by themselves. For the radio broadcasting industry trying to find its footing in an unsettling new year, following the audience – the gadgets they own and the platforms they use – might be a strategic way to gain that competitive edge back. Click “READ MORE” to follow my logic.
Read MoreI’ve been especially vocal this year about the premium value of personalities to broadcast radio, particularly when new RIFs are announced. But now we’re seeing proof that talent trumps playlists. In fact, brand new data from our soon-to-be-released Techsurvey 2025 shows the audience is onto recent talent cuts.
Read MoreA 1,300 job radio RIF? It happened last week to Voice of America and its associated services. Of course, it’s a political story and a radio story. Most Americans tune in shows like Elvis Duran and Delilah, but more than 420 million listeners around the world cume VOA – or at least they did. Thoughts on what it all means in today’s blog post.
Read MoreWere radio DJs from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s the original “influencers?” Maybe so. But today’s social media pitchmen and pitchwomen are likely pocketing a lot more revenue than radio personalities ever made from bar nights, phone store grand openings, and live endorsements. Is “influencer marketing” a place where still-popular radio personalities can go? And what can they learn from both teenage and geriatric influencers with big followings and the ability to sell lots of stuff?
Read MoreImagine a 4 minute playoff that would pit all 32 NFL teams against each other in head-to-head combat. Well, that happened last week – but not on any football field. Instead, every NFL team competed hard on social media to produce the funniest, cleverest, and most viral video short to highlight the 2024-25 schedule. It’s a case study in creativity, celebrity, and humor. And there are great lessons here for radio stations and their personality shows. Are you ready for the “2024 NFL Schedule Debut Bake-Off?”
Read MoreThe restaurant business is littered with eateries that started with great promise, only to fizzle out. Kind of like radio station formats. For today’s blog, it’s a look at consumer food products and the lengths they now go to in order to stand out and grab attention – without compromising the essence of their brands. I hope that deep into my many analogies, you’ll walk away with a different way to think about the radio stations you program and market.
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Today, radio PDs have unprecedented pressure. They often wear multiple hats, and most have little in the way of support staffs. Budgets are tight – or maybe nonexistent. PDs often put in long days, and may wonder when they head home, what they actually accomplished that day. So, the ideas is to focus on accomplishing just ONE thing that improves the station every day. I’ve put together a healthy list, but I bet many of you can easily add to it. What’s the ONE thing you can do that would make your station better today?
Read MoreDon’t you love it when new research studies debunk our longstanding conventional wisdom? I just found a study that shows that despite our desire to get out of the house post- COVID, most Americans are spending more time at home – by themselves. For the radio broadcasting industry trying to find its footing in an unsettling new year, following the audience – the gadgets they own and the platforms they use – might be a strategic way to gain that competitive edge back. Click “READ MORE” to follow my logic.
Read MoreI’ve been especially vocal this year about the premium value of personalities to broadcast radio, particularly when new RIFs are announced. But now we’re seeing proof that talent trumps playlists. In fact, brand new data from our soon-to-be-released Techsurvey 2025 shows the audience is onto recent talent cuts.
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