
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Consumers Want Watches with Some Brains

By Elizabeth Hussey | December 23, 2015

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIt’s that time of the year again.  The time when everyone realizes they should have probably said no to the second helping of dessert at their office/family holiday party.  With the guilt of the holiday diet comes the motivation to be fit, and this shows…

The Top Mobile Apps of 2015

By Elizabeth Hussey | December 23, 2015

As 2015 comes to a close, we would like to take a look back at the top mobile apps throughout the year.  After looking at the top trends in smartphone apps and operating systems, Nielsen compiled a list of the top 10 smartphone apps of 2015.  To no one’s surprise, Facebook maintained its dominance with…

Give the Gift of ‘Appiness This Holiday

By Elizabeth Hussey | December 22, 2015

If you are a business owner and have yet to buy gifts for your loyal customers/clients or important business partners, do not fret.  There is an app for that!  An increasing number of businesses are turning to mobile applications for their holiday gift giving strategy, and with good reason.  Smartphones have already taken over the…

Nothing like a Good Comeback!

By Elizabeth Hussey | December 17, 2015

Nokia may be looking to make a comeback to the mobile phone market. According to USA Today, just last year, Nokia finalized a deal to sell its device and handset business to Microsoft for a whopping $7 billion. Since the company made the deal with Microsoft, Nokia will be at a stand still when it…

“Your Kids Will Not Know What Money Is”

By Elizabeth Hussey | December 17, 2015

As soon as 2016, Apple is reported to be coming out with person-to-person mobile payments. With this, there is no question that Apple is looking to be the powerhouse and leader of mobile payment technology. The system would be just like PayPal's Venmo, except with the convenience of being a part of your Apple device.…