
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Mobile Marketing – What We Are Doing Wrong

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 20, 2015

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantSmartphones have been quickly surpassing the use of desktops for a while now, especially when it comes to online usage. Mobile has even expanded from portable tablets to the newest wearables. The mobile space is always evolving and changing, and because using smartphones for almost…

Digital Meets Print

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 16, 2015

Chevrolet has recently placed digital video ads in print. Yes, that is right…. in print! It reminds me of the moving images in the Harry Potter films, which is pretty neat, but how and why are they doing this? Well, the advertisement promotes Chevy’s Colorado truck and it will appear in the May issue of…

Wearable Devices Aren’t Just for Adults Anymore…

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 15, 2015

When Sten Kirkbak lost track of his 3-year old son, Filip in a crowded mall for 30 minutes, he was mortified. The next day, Sten began searching for a product to give to Filip in case they were to get separated like that again, but couldn’t find a technology that was age appropriate. After a…

New Detroit App “Brings City Hall to Your Smartphone”

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 13, 2015

As a Michigan based company, we are excited to see our neighbors in Detroit take advantage of the mobile space that will help residents in a big way. Detroit Mayor, Mike Duggan, has recently launched the Improve Detroit app for Android and iPhone. This new app gives Detroit residents the ability to report problems that…

The Aluminum Battery – A Game Changer

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 7, 2015

We all know what is like to have your phone run out of battery life. That in its self is frustrating, but then you have to wait for what feels like an eternity for your mobile device to charge back up again. Alas, this problem can soon be behind us. Scientists are now experimenting with…