Media Sales Consulting

ResearchIn a competitive media environment, the winners will strive to rise above being valued just for their ratings and take a strategic approach. We work with media companies to identify areas to increase their value, and develop strategies to separate from their broadcast and digital competition.


Sales Strategy

Paul Jacobs Speaking

Paul Jacobs

Our General Manager and Vice President, Paul Jacobs, has decades of experience helping our clients position their brands and audiences in clear, concise terms. Don’t compete on metrics alone; he can show you how to demonstrate the value of your stations, enabling you to increase your rates and expand your business.

Paul can help you by:

  • Keeping you informed of the latest marketing and demographic trends
  • Conducting online and in-person sales meetings
  • Visiting your markets to meet with advertisers and share his expertise
  • Providing analysis of various audience groups

Simply put, Paul can help your organization generate more revenue.




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Originally published by Jacobs Media

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