Our Latest Industry Blogs

AI in Public Media?

June 6, 2024

Apple Seeds AI Next Week The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is next week, and the anticipation could not be higher.  Since last month’s major AI release from OpenAI (4o) and Google Gemini presentation, techies and portfolio managers have been speculating on what Apple will bring to the table for AI, with the company’s valuation approaching $3…

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It’s No Crime To Work In Radio

June 6, 2024

Some radio stations feel like crime scenes. And wouldn’t you know it, True Crime has become a very popular podcast genre. And now, a former DJ has combined the best of both worlds – a whodunit suspense novel set in – where else? – a radio station. No spoiler alerts here, but you have to read today’s post to learn how this classic radio mystery turns out. (Can you stand the suspense?)

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Digital + Radio: It’s The Sum Of The Parts

June 3, 2024

The tension between traditional radio and digital departments has been palpable over the last many years. Yet, media organizations that combine modern digital assets with the broadcast megaphone called “radio” would seem to have a distinct edge over companies that only offer digital. I call it “the sum of the parts,” and it’s a reason to invoke the rarely uttered phrase, “Advantage: RADIO.” Today’s blog post focuses on how to make the intersection of radio’s Venn diagram work.

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A Rocky Road Ahead For AI?

June 3, 2024

Oh no, not another blog post about AI! Alas, it is. But today’s post takes a contrarian point of view to the irrational exuberance that has accompanied AI since ChatGPT was launched just18 months ago. Is AI overhyped and has it already peaked, slowed down by the need for billions of dollars of investment where the returns remain paltry? Has AI already become commoditized as its engines all produce pretty much the same output? And what does it all mean for radio broadcasters. Hit “READ MORE” and let’s have a conversation among us humans

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Why Radio May Be SOL With SMBs

May 31, 2024

When I think about radio broadcasters keeping pace with new technology, I always see it through the programming lens.  

What type of content should we be creating in order to stay competitive?  And what distribution outlets should we be focusing on? But of course, there’s the all-important sales side.  And it’s another area where radio companies haven’t always kept up.  That’s the view of our digital revenue strategist and AI guy, Chris Brunt. And for today’s post, he’s got the keyboard and a post that should give radio’s revenue generators something to think about.

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Beats By AI

May 30, 2024

It’s easy to get caught up in the crazy daily headlines of AI and miss many of the positive things that generative AI is starting to enable.  Sure, there’s Google’s crazy AI search results (see below), squabbles between OpenAI and ScarJo, and lots of deep-in-the-weeds AI security and economic worries. On the other hand, there are marketers who are using AI to write client copy in…

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A PPM Lesson…From Howard Stern (And David Letterman)

May 30, 2024

Today’s #TBT blog post goes back nine years to May 2015.  But it might feel even longer ago than that to you.   Its central characters – Howard Stern and David Letterman – have taken very different paths than what they were doing when this post originally published. Letterman was walking away from his Late Show…

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Little Steven: Classic Rock “Is Going To Die”

May 29, 2024

In our doom-scrolling world, it’s not difficult to run across headlines warning about the impending death of SOMETHING. And that happened when one of the most outspoken rockers came out with one of those earth-shattering predictions about the demise of a beloved music genre that’s enjoyed unprecedented success the last few decades. But rather than panic, let’s take a deep breath, collect ourselves, and click “READ MORE” below. Because everything is gonna be alright.

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Save The Bots! (Save The DJs!)

May 28, 2024

In what proved to be a fateful decision, a well-known corporate entity instituted personnel budget cuts that proved to be a catalyst for motivating their loyal customer base to revolt. Ultimately, the company reversed course and welcomed some of the pink-slipped workers back into the fold. But the incident raises the question of how these judgment calls are made. And BTW, did I mention those cut by the company in question were bots? Click on “READ MORE” below to get the jaw-dropping story.

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Memorial Day Weekend – 2024

May 24, 2024

To start the holiday weekend, a brief blog post today about the Memorial Weekend holiday, anad how its meaning overshadows 3-day mattress sales, concerts,, festivals, and countdowns.

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