
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Car Device Will Help Drivers Stay out of Harms Way

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 6, 2015

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantThere are a plethora of expensive vehicles out there that are fully equipped with gadgets such as cameras, sensors, and other technologies. Not everyone can afford the cars that come with all of these extras, but a new device has recently emerged for those who…

The Top 9 App Trends from 2014

By Elizabeth Hussey | January 29, 2015

App Annie, one of the top app measurement platforms, has come out with their annual report that pulls the big app trends from the past year. Let’s take a look back at what trends were the most notable. 1. According to the full report, “Google Play has increased its lead over iOS in worldwide downloads”.…

Mobile Technology for the Disabled

By Elizabeth Hussey | January 26, 2015
App Creator

As we are seeing every day, technology is rapidly evolving. So much so, that Israel has begun experimenting with making mobile technology accessible to those who have disabilities. These technologies are also beneficial for able-bodied users. For example, Project Ray has developed a phone for the blind, which also allows drivers to use the device…

The Future of the Biometric Interface

By Elizabeth Hussey | January 14, 2015

It can be frustrating when you log onto your Facebook account and see that it has been hacked. Sure, you can go in and change your password, but who says that your account won’t be hacked again? It is safe to say that a good amount of people have run into similar situations (SONY, anyone?),…

Mobile Healthcare Apps Are Making It Big in 2015

By Elizabeth Hussey | January 5, 2015

As research has shown, mobile usage is climbing. From shopping to watching videos, using mobile has become the new normal in our society. It is so popular that hospitals and doctors offices are even getting in on the mobile movement. Mobile healthcare applications can help you track your personal fitness, health records, prescriptions, and doctor’s…