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5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

10 Years of Radio Apps

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 17, 2015

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantRadio apps have grown substantially since our friend, James Cridland, developed the world’s first streaming mobile app for a radio station back in 2005.  Back in the time where there were no app stores, no wifi for mobile, and data was extremely expensive. That time…

5 Ways to Promote Your App on-Air

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 10, 2015

by: Bob Kernen We frequently get calls from our clients asking why nobody is downloading their apps anymore. Our response is always the same, “How are you promoting it?” Promotion. Obvious, right? But usually, the response is, “Oh, were we supposed to do that?” Typically a station promotes their app when it’s new, which makes…

IKEA Brings Qi into the Home

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 5, 2015

The Swedish furniture chain, IKEA, will soon be coming out with new pieces that will be incorporating Qi technology. With this, we will be able to place our mobile devices onto “charging pads” on the furniture, and in turn will charge our phones wirelessly. According to Mashable, “Qi is a popular wireless power standard from…

Reclaim your listening occasions!

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 2, 2015

by: Bob Kernen The H&R Block man’s rallying cry is “Get your billions back, America!” Well, to borrow the tone, if not the content of his ubiquitous-this-time-of-year yawp, c’mon “Get your listening occasions back, radio.” At one time, everyone had transistor radios, boom boxes, Walkmans, even stereos. Now most people under the age of 20…

Radio’s Most Innovative: XAPPmedia

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 27, 2015
Location App

We are delighted to offer a new way to monetize your apps. XAPP Ads are interactive audio ads that enable you to respond using just your voice.  It is simple. If the advertisement interests you, simply speak to engage. No more fumbling with unlocking your phone or trying to remember a URL or phone number.…