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The Vibe At Morning Show Boot Camp

By Fred Jacobs | August 13, 2024

Last week, it was the return of Morning Show Boot Camp in beautiful San Diego. It was not only especially well-attended, the atmosphere was electric. At a time when many in the radio industry look dog-faced and fatigued, the spirit at Boot Camp is upbeat and passionate. Here’s the story.

Keeping The Music Alive

By Fred Jacobs | August 12, 2024

Last week was a sadly monumental one for music fans. Aerosmith announced the end of their touring career due to persistent health problems suffered by lead singer Steven Tyler. And the last remaining original member of the Four Tops, Duke Fakir, passed away. But as we’ve learned from Classic Rock artists, it ain’t over until….well, you know. Today’s blog best looks at the newest music extension efforts, thanks to technology, innovation, and pluck. Let’s rock.

Note To Radio: You Can’t Beat Free

By Fred Jacobs | August 9, 2024

It’s not just radio. Pretty much every media brand has taken a hit this year, often leading to layoffs or worse. Many are now experimenting with variations on the subscriber model, including ad-supported free content. Wait…what? Isn’t that what broadcast radio has been for the last 100 or so years?

We’re Getting to Know AI

By Fred Jacobs | August 8, 2024

We’re witnessing a major shift in users’ knowledge and understanding of AI. Results from the Jacobs Media Techsurvey 2024 earlier this year showed that only 43% of radio listeners were unfamiliar with the technology. Seventy percent of listeners across the board—from Gen Z to Boomers—agreed that the rise of AI was cause for alarm. In the six months…

I Was Wrong

By Fred Jacobs | August 8, 2024

We’re living in an era where it’s become fashionable to “double-down” on whatever wrong-headed strategy we’ve chosen for our radio stations or our companies. The very act of fessing up and admitting we screwed up is a rarity. Back in 2022 when this post first published, we were witnessing one of those rare moments when responsible executives were actually steping up to the mic and taking the heat. Of course that didn’t last, but it was the thrust of this post. And I’m coming clean. Here are three things I clearly got wrong. Hit READ MORE for the reveal.