
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Connecting the Media Dots

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 2, 2016

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantBy: Bob Kernen We talk a lot about how advertising dollars are shifting to mobile. When you look at the statistics below, you notice how growth in other media is either anemic or even negative. And while we are huge boosters of mobile (obviously!), we…

The Year of Mobile … Again

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 24, 2016

By: Bob Kernen EMarketer predicts that 2016 will be the year that ad spending on mobile surpasses spending on desktop. They also predict that mobile ad spending will equal 25% of all ad spending. Clearly, mobile is where the money is moving. But a recent article in Ad Age questions the rush to “mobile first”…

Smartwatches are the New Norm in Mobile

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 22, 2016

Apps have broken out of the smartphone and are making their way to other platforms. Leading the trend is the smartwatch.  This is probably because more and more people are buying and using wearable technology.  Here’s the proof: Swiss watch shipments declined 5 percent in the fourth quarter compared with the same period in 2014,…

A Different Approach That Can Add Value To Your Mobile Strategy

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 17, 2016

By: Bob Kernen Mobile listening has surpassed desktop in terms of total time spent with streaming media. This should come as no surprise to anyone – a device that can go anywhere provides a far superior experience for users than being wired to a desktop, or even laptop, computer. For many stations, however, that trend…

Timing is everything: Finding the right moments for mobile marketing

By Elizabeth Hussey | February 10, 2016

By: Bob Kernen The smart, forward-thinking people at Google released some interesting statistics on the evolving ways people are using their mobile devices. They isolated four growing “behaviors” that hold tremendous opportunity for broadcasters and their mobile strategies. For quite a while now, we’ve been telling our clients to think of their apps as more…