
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

CarPlay and Android Auto Have Taken over the Car

By Elizabeth Hussey | August 26, 2016

In case you missed our announcement earlier this summer, jācapps is now offering our apps with integration into Apple’s CarPlay and Google’s Android Auto.

Happy National Radio Day!

By Elizabeth Hussey | August 19, 2016

Tomorrow is National Radio Day, and at jacapps, that’s a big deal. On our way to becoming Michigan’s second largest app developer, our relationship with radio has been key.

5 Mobile Trends Agencies Should Keep an Eye On

By Elizabeth Hussey | August 8, 2016

Most agencies don’t have the personnel, or the bandwidth, to best support their clients needs in mobile media. Consumer behaviors are changing so fast, and the technology is evolving at such a pace that it really takes mobile specialists to make smart, strategic recommendations for your clients’ media plans.

Here We GO Again: How Games Fit into Your Brand’s Mobile Strategy

By Elizabeth Hussey | August 1, 2016

Unless you’ve been trapped in a mine, in a coma, or in a politically induced media blackout, you’ve heard about the Pokémon GO phenomenon. You’ve probably spent a significant amount of time talking about it.

5 Things Agencies Should Know About Mobile

By Elizabeth Hussey | July 20, 2016

Apps are one of the biggest things in tech. Whatever the technology, it’s almost a requirement that it has a smartphone component. There are over 2 million apps in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.