
White Papers

5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

How to Know It’s Time to Build a Company App

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 8, 2019

Apps are ubiquitous in today’s world. But as a small business that’s mindful of its budget and goals, how can you know when to invest in creating your own company app? While it’s different for each company, here are four indicators that day has come. You Have a Clear Purpose Don’t create a mobile app…

5 Key Customer Service Ingredients for Your Company App

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 8, 2019

Your company’s app can be a source of great cooperation and communication between your business and its customers. By focusing on how to provide customer service directly through the app itself, you can save time, money, and frustration for everyone. What customer services should you include when designing an interactive app? Here are five key…

Push Notifications 101: Webinar Recap

By Elizabeth Hussey | April 2, 2019

Recently, jācapps COO Bob Kernen presented a webinar about push notification and how  they create powerful engagement with radio listeners.  Like any aspect of a mobile app, function needs to support a larger strategy.  Push notifications are exactly that – they empower a radio station to connect directly with the audience to drive engagement as…

Are Apples Best Days Behind Them?

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 29, 2019

A question that keeps coming up… Are Apple’s best days behind them? The answer is “No, Apple’s best days are far from over!” Apple’s smartphone market share is increase! According to eMarketer, iPhone’s market share in the US continues to grow, despite the challenges they have in oversea markets. Today there are 105.2 million people…

3 March Madness Bracket Apps That Will Keep You on Top!

By Elizabeth Hussey | March 18, 2019

March Madness can be some people’s favorite time of the year! It allows them to connect with family and friends and cheer on their favorite basketball teams! With march madness starting we think it would be fun to share with a few of our favorite bracket apps that easily keep you engaged with the games!…