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Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

First I Look At The Purse

By Fred Jacobs | May 1, 2024

When the going gets tough, the tough find reveneue somewhere.

These days, radio’s directors of sales have to creatively divine money wherever they can – even in unconventional places.  But when you’ve got ample audience in unpopular demographics, you’d better make the best of a challenging situation. A very popular brand you all know has launched a slick media campaign unashamedlly targetting mature adults. If they’re right, there will be important lessons here for radio broadcasters.

Radio’s Game Theory

By Fred Jacobs | April 30, 2024

Playing the ratings and revenue game has become precarious for radio in 2024 – whether you work for commercial or public radio stations. In an environment where ad dollars are increasingly hard to come by and the competition seems to be expanding exponentiallly, radio organizations need innovative solutions to traditional challenges. The answer may be puzzling in more ways than one. But, of course, that’s the game we’re playing. (Click “read more” to escape from my lame puns.)

“The One Thing” About Techsurvey 2024

By Fred Jacobs | April 26, 2024

Yesterday’s industry presentation of Techsurvey 2024 seemed to be the right data at the right time. But to get a sense from YOU about what stood out, I asked webinar attendees to tell me their “one thing” takeaway from the study. The response was excellent, as you’ll read in today’s post.

What Advertisers Think About AI

By Fred Jacobs | April 25, 2024

The last several issues of this AI newsletter have covered a lot of ground from AI workflow to new AI technology to audience perceptions of AI.  But none of it matters if the advertisers aren’t on board. Below is a fact-packed conversation with Corey Elliott of Borrell and Associates that gives insight into what local advertisers are thinking…

Three Stories From The Techsurvey Trenches

By Fred Jacobs | April 23, 2024

On Thursday, I have the pleasure of presenting the top-line findings of Techsurvey 2024 to the radio industry. This year, 31,800+ core listeners weighed in on media, technology, AI, and of course, their perceptions of AM/FM radio. This is our 20th survey, and perhaps one of the most revealing and actionable. In today’s post, I broke down three current media stories in the news, and integrated corresponding TS 24 data to help bring them into focus for broadcasters. At this precarious time for radio, we need numbers and findings we can rely on. Let’s try to figure it out together.