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5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Fixing Starbucks, Fixing Radio

By Fred Jacobs | May 14, 2024

In their most recent earnings call, Starbucks experienced a rough prior quarter, which brought out the boo birds and second guessers. This time, it also brought out the company’s long running CEO, Howard Schultz. He ran the Starbucks empire for nearly 40 years, and he recently posted an “explainer” of how Startucks got itself ijnto this mess – and how to get out of it. Yes, Schultz’s story dovetails nicely into radio’s current challenges. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and click “READ MORE.”

Welcome Back, My Friends, To The Show That Never Ends

By Fred Jacobs | May 13, 2024

Everyone wondered how big the boomerang effect would be on various industries mortally wounded by the pandemic: cruise ships, concert venues, and movie theaters are good examples. For the concert business, the numbers are now in, and to no one’s surprise, 2023 smashed all previous records for attendance and revenue. Our Techsurvey 2024 confirms this phenomenon, showing which formats are the most engaged, and pointing the way to how radio can take advantage of this huge opportunity in both its marketing and branding. Take your seat and check it out.

I’ve Got A “Crush” On You

By Fred Jacobs | May 10, 2024

Marketing, as we once knew it, has become an endangered species at most broadcast radio stations. But don’t think having a marketing budget means guaranteed success. We often think of the New Coke debacle when we recall epic marketing disasters. Proving that even the biggest, smartest, and wealthiest companies can be victims of disastrous decisions and bad judgment, we were witness to what may become one of the worst marketing decisions of all time this week – by one of our biggest and best brands – a “crushing” defeat.

They Love Radio (But They Don’t Love US)

By Fred Jacobs | May 9, 2024

In our effort to analyze whether the word “radio” should give way to more expansive terms like “audio” or even “media,” we might want to pay attention to a growing phenomenon: more and more “amateurs” are creating their own radio stations in their workplaces, often accompanied by much joy, enthusiasm, and passion. What does this say about how consumers value the romance of “radio” but also how they feel about us broadcasters?

What Is “Audience Development” Anyway?

By Fred Jacobs | May 8, 2024

April showers, May flowers, June PRTS.  Perhaps not romantic or even memorable, but for all of us at Jacobs Media and PRPD (now known as PMCC or Public Media Content Collective), June is the month where the fieldwork begins on the biggest study of public radio in America.  And this year’s effort will follow suit…