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Elvis Has NOT Left The Building

By Fred Jacobs | December 4, 2024

Broadcast radio has changed a great deal in recent years, but a welcome fixture is the skill, the appeal, and the pure craftsmanship of the talented people behind the mic. Last weekend, one of the best was recognized by one of the major TV networks. It was a celebration of what makes radio great, then and now.

Algorithms vs. The Human Touch

By Fred Jacobs | December 3, 2024

As the media landscape becomes even more congested by more options and choice, how can radio broadcasters make sense of their opportunities as well as the threats posed by AI. Rather than trying to be more machine-like, shouldn’t radio be looking for ways to more radio-like: that is, to accentuate the human connection – to the music, to the issues, to sports, to life…and to each other? Click READ MORE and let’s talk about it.

Keepin’ It Real On The Radio

By Fred Jacobs | December 2, 2024

Over the holiday weekend, major brands revealed their holiday marketing campaigns. And a fascinating contrast appeared between Apple and Coca-Cola, and the use of AI and real people to tell each brand’s story. In today’s post, we run a head-to-head comparison. And you make the call.

Radio + Thanksgiving = Gratitude

By Fred Jacobs | November 27, 2024

What happens when you ask 13 radio pros from all corners of the industry how they define gratitude as Thanksgiving approaches? Why, you get 10 very different interpretations of thankfulness. Actually, they have a lot in common, and I hope their musings bring you a sense of joy and gratitude as you scroll through them. And I’d feel gratitude if you left a few of your own thankful thoughts in the “comments” section at the end of today’s blog post. And while I’m at it, THANK YOU for reading our blog.

Is It Quittin’ Time For SiriusXM?

By Fred Jacobs | November 26, 2024

Have we become a society of quitters? When it comes to media and entertainment subscriptions, that’s been the case here in America. We change streaming services like we change our socks. And now a new judicial ruling in New York will make it even harder for providers – especially SiriusXM to jack us around. Are there implications here for broadcast radio? Of course.