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When The Trolls Go On The Attack, Sometimes The Best Response…

By Fred Jacobs | July 9, 2024

There’s no shortage of angry, frustrated people in the world – especially on social media. And when you or your station is attacked, the easy response is the swift response. But when the attacker is the CEO of one of the world’s most successful companies, it may require a different response that’s usually more effective, especially when the bully in question is none other than Elon Musk. How do you and/or your station respond when the going gets tough and those trolls come out of the woodwork?

For Radio, The Local Road Ahead

By Fred Jacobs | July 8, 2024

We are all hoping for a strong second half for local radio this year. Of course, hope is not a strategy. But innovation is. And today’s blog focuses on what one broadcast company known for its small market portfolio has been strategically doing to create a major impact in the market they serve. Could your company, cluster, or station pull off a similar feat? Let’s find out.

Four Questions On The 4th

By Fred Jacobs | July 3, 2024

Welcome to “Halftime 2024.” This 4th of July holiday marks the mid-point of the year. As this holiday full of barbeques and fireworks is upon us, I’ve got four fundamental questions to answer for our radio stations, our companies, and ourselves. Enjoy your time off and today’s post.

In The New Media World, Is Success A RIght Or A Privilege?

By Fred Jacobs | July 2, 2024

The deluge of new media and technology compels us to think differently, whether you’re an FM radio station in Minot or you’re Microsoft. Last month, the CEO of the latter challenged the industry and his own company to be more relevant or face the inevitable thinning of the media and technology herd. In today’s post, I’ve taken that charge seriously, providing three good examples of how to pivot a career and make it work. Will it be inspiration to you at this time in your career cycle? You tell me.

Is It “AI” Or Al? (And Does Anyone Care?)

By Fred Jacobs | July 1, 2024

Radio’s issue with AI – or vice-versa – get more interesting with each passing week. The newest episode comes from television where a certain high-profile network sports personality has given his permission to use his voice for a high-profile marketing campaign around the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris. There are major implications with using the AI voice of a superstar talent for promotional purposes, something radio broadcasters will eventually have to deal with, probably sooner rather than later.