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In 2024, What Is Radio’s Job To Do?

By Fred Jacobs | July 15, 2024

Since Donald Trump took that fateful ride down that escalator in Trump Tower back in 2015, the news cycle in this country has been greatly altered. “Breaking news” is persistent, forcing news organizations to redefine their coverage parameters. And that’s true whether we’re talking commercial, public, Christian, music, or spoken word radio. What is the audience telling us about broadcast radio’s “job to be done” in this rapidly changing environment?

What Are You Talkin’ About?

By Fred Jacobs | July 12, 2024

Producing and executing a successful personality show has only gotten more challenging over the years. While there are amazing prep tools – including AI – it still comes down to making the right choices on topics that connect with your station’s target audience. Fortunately, there’s research for that, guides to ensure you’re talking about the most relatable topics for your audience. Let’s go to the numbers.

AI Glasses: Futuristic Fashion or Party Trick?

By Fred Jacobs | July 11, 2024

When we were walking the halls of CES this January, we came upon a great display from Ray-Ban.  They were showcasing a re-imagined pair of glasses that utilizes AI and had other features like audio integration and cameras. Seeing how new technology like smart speakers have changed radio consumption, I was curious in particular how…

What’s The State Of New Music Discovery?

By Fred Jacobs | July 11, 2024

How and where do consumers discover new music today and does radio still play a role in that process? Today’s #TBT post is a journey back to 2021, not so long ago in real time, but for radio and records, it may seem like a much longer trip back into the past. Even then, radio’s role in the discovery process was greatly diminished. But that post asked some “what if?” questions that might still hold up today. You often need to understand your history in order to make sense of the present while you try to plan for an uncertain future. So what’s the best new song YOU’VE heard lately? And where did you first hear it?

Even If You’re On The Air, Your Voice Still Counts

By Fred Jacobs | July 10, 2024

As the radio business in the U.S. is roiled by competition and changing times, the industry’s core assets – its air talent – continue to feel the pressure. Every year, Jacobs Media in collaboration with Morning Show Boot Camp conduct the AQ survey, a look inside the hearts and minds of radio’s VIPs – its talent. Here’s the story this year and where we’ll need your help.