Our Latest Industry Blogs

“What Makes You Think You’re So Special?”

August 21, 2024

As our entertainment options proliferate, it has become incumbent on content creators to be mindful of how they can stand out in an ever-increasing crowd. The dual battles for attention and for ears are real, putting pressure on us to make our brands distinctly different – or pay the price. Today’s blog post quotes a television icon with wisdom, sarcasm, and wit to get us going. So, what makes you think you’re so special?

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The Revolution Will Not Be Monetized

August 20, 2024

Today brother Paul takes control of the JacoBLOG keyboard. It’s an ambitious post about the state of radio digital transformation. It’s a tough read, but an important one we hope will stimulate thought, criticism, and new ideas. Change is hard. But not changing is even harder.

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Is Joy The New Black?

August 19, 2024

As the political season hits high gear this fall, pundits are looking for the key word(s) that sum up the vibe of the country. More and more, it is looking like “joy” fits the bill, and today’s post not only discusses its impact but illustrates how any radio station can lean into it. Just click on READ MORE to feel the joy.

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What Is Radio “Made For?”

August 16, 2024

As the media world becomes increasingly more crowded, a legacy medium – like radio – might have to re-establish its core mission. Guest blogger, Edison Research’s Larry Rosin, has new data to shaare to help us better determine “What was radio ‘made for?'” It’s a good read.

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The Threat of an AI House of Mirrors

August 15, 2024

One of the many things Americans fear about AI is the threat it could have in politics. In this year’s Jacobs Media Techsurvey of 30,000+ radio listeners, 83% are somewhat or largely concerned about “AI and its potential to influence the 2024 elections.”  It was one of the most universal opinions expressed in this year’s survey.…

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The TV Commercial Radio Should Have Produced (But Spotify Did)

August 15, 2024

Radio’s legacy for being the “king of the car” has been shaken in recent years as dashboard infotainment systems now include pretty much everything. And content choices for drivers have also proflierated. For radio broadcasters, it is another tough test. And it sets up today’s #TBT post from five years ago that framed the competition for the car we are feeling today. It’s a blast from the past but also a look at the future of the car dashboard – and radio.

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Morning Show Boot Camp – Paying It Forward

August 14, 2024

A key quality that sets Morning Show Boot Camp apart is its “pay it forward” mindset. For years now, established personalities have helped those working their way up. In good times and in tough ones, it is this aspect of Boot Camp that’s most impressive and makes talent want to come back. Here’s a look at some of this year’s attendees.

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The Vibe At Morning Show Boot Camp

August 13, 2024

Last week, it was the return of Morning Show Boot Camp in beautiful San Diego. It was not only especially well-attended, the atmosphere was electric. At a time when many in the radio industry look dog-faced and fatigued, the spirit at Boot Camp is upbeat and passionate. Here’s the story.

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Keeping The Music Alive

August 12, 2024

Last week was a sadly monumental one for music fans. Aerosmith announced the end of their touring career due to persistent health problems suffered by lead singer Steven Tyler. And the last remaining original member of the Four Tops, Duke Fakir, passed away. But as we’ve learned from Classic Rock artists, it ain’t over until….well, you know. Today’s blog best looks at the newest music extension efforts, thanks to technology, innovation, and pluck. Let’s rock.

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Note To Radio: You Can’t Beat Free

August 9, 2024

It’s not just radio. Pretty much every media brand has taken a hit this year, often leading to layoffs or worse. Many are now experimenting with variations on the subscriber model, including ad-supported free content. Wait…what? Isn’t that what broadcast radio has been for the last 100 or so years?

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