Our Latest Industry Blogs
The impact of the Coronavirus continues to resonate with the way consumers are going to interact with businesses, especially this holiday season. By all indications, shoppers are moving rapidly toward online shopping via mobile apps and eCommerce platforms. While this presents challenges, it also creates opportunities – those retailers that invest in online and mobile…
Read MoreThe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has touched every aspect of our lives. Businesses have shut down, families hunkered down, and the economy slowed down. Concurrently, the way we shop has also changed. If eCommerce was a slow-moving, if inevitable, train before the pandemic, today it’s a runaway freight train. The result has been retail…
Read MoreWhen jācapps introduced its first mobile app for radio close to a dozen years ago, most people thought we were nuts. In late 2008 apps were a novelty. The two leading apps in the iTunes App Store were the Zippo Lighter and iFart. You can imagine the questions we got from broadcasters. At the time…
Read MoreThe pandemic and resulting impact in work, home, and leisure routines has also generated a surge in mobile app usage. A study just released from Airship finds an incredible surge across almost all app categories in the March-June period, when so many people found themselves at home. And while they were at home, many found…
Read MoreAfter close to twelve years in the mobile app development business, we can tell you the majority of prospective clients have one thing in common: they’ve never bought a mobile app before. In many cases, they don’t know which questions to ask, and as a result, make a decision on a developer based on price…
Read MoreWhat if there were no holiday shopping season in 2020? Five months ago, if we would have posed this question, you would have thought we’d lost our minds. A holiday season devoid of crowded shopping malls, families walking down Main Street window shopping, crowds gathering for Christmas tree lightings, and customers waiting in line to…
Read MoreWithout question, Covid-19 has impacted all aspects of our lives and B2B marketing is no exception. Historically, B2B relationships centered around in-person meetings and product demonstrations. But how do you sell products when you can’t sit in a conference room, present a PowerPoint, and shake hands on a deal? Today, companies are investing in technology…
Read MoreFor retailers, Covid-19 has accelerated the changes in shopping habits they were already experiencing. The benefits of the shopping experience – browsing the aisles, checking the inventory, engaging salespeople, and in-store events – no longer apply. The trend in the past decade or two has been toward shopping while customers are at home – or…
Read MoreAs mobile app developers, we are frequently asked by clients why they need to invest in a native mobile app since they can build a mobile web page for a much lower cost. We always respond with the same rationale: the power of having an icon on the smartphone’s screen, a device that never leaves…
Read MoreAs the co-owner of two small business, I understand and appreciate all of the challenges we face in normal times. And these are far from normal times. We worry about the health of our staffs and the health of our businesses. The rules that have always applied are being challenged, and we are forced to…
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