Our Latest Industry Blogs

Little Steven: Classic Rock “Is Going To Die”

May 29, 2024

In our doom-scrolling world, it’s not difficult to run across headlines warning about the impending death of SOMETHING. And that happened when one of the most outspoken rockers came out with one of those earth-shattering predictions about the demise of a beloved music genre that’s enjoyed unprecedented success the last few decades. But rather than panic, let’s take a deep breath, collect ourselves, and click “READ MORE” below. Because everything is gonna be alright.

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Save The Bots! (Save The DJs!)

May 28, 2024

In what proved to be a fateful decision, a well-known corporate entity instituted personnel budget cuts that proved to be a catalyst for motivating their loyal customer base to revolt. Ultimately, the company reversed course and welcomed some of the pink-slipped workers back into the fold. But the incident raises the question of how these judgment calls are made. And BTW, did I mention those cut by the company in question were bots? Click on “READ MORE” below to get the jaw-dropping story.

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Memorial Day Weekend – 2024

May 24, 2024

To start the holiday weekend, a brief blog post today about the Memorial Weekend holiday, anad how its meaning overshadows 3-day mattress sales, concerts,, festivals, and countdowns.

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IP Intrigue and Deepfake Drama

May 23, 2024

Well, that was quick.  The hype over last week’s new AI demos by OpenAI and Google has already metamorphosed into fears of deepfakes and IP ownership. The claims from Scarlett Johansson’s lawyers are big tabloid fare. They claim that, at best, OpenAI mimicked her voice for their new AI assistant, and, at worst, they trained their models using her voice. Although OpenAI removed…

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There Are Only 13 Facebook Status Updates

May 23, 2024

Today’s #TBT post takes us back eight years to 2016, a time when social media was in ful swing. In our Techsurveys, it was often the leading topic in our data decks. By that time, many broadcasters were adding social media specialists to their staffs, determined to “make money on Facebook.” Back then, we were still arguing about what to post. Come to think of it, we still are today.

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Vinyl: What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been 2

May 22, 2024

By now, we all know about vinyl’s comeback. Consumers are buying physical records again, and the music industry is vibratinig with the renewed sales of albums. The most innovative of the music makers are leaning into their most fanatical fans – the collectors who have to own every vinyl variant they can get their hands on.from their favorite artists. Colored vinyl, picture discs, and other innovations are changing the economics of the music game. Can radio benefit from this phenomenon? Click on “READ MORE” to check it out.

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Hey Radio, Are You Ready For An NFL Bake Off?

May 21, 2024

Imagine a 4 minute playoff that would pit all 32 NFL teams against each other in head-to-head combat. Well, that happened last week – but not on any football field. Instead, every NFL team competed hard on social media to produce the funniest, cleverest, and most viral video short to highlight the 2024-25 schedule. It’s a case study in creativity, celebrity, and humor. And there are great lessons here for radio stations and their personality shows. Are you ready for the “2024 NFL Schedule Debut Bake-Off?”

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Let’s Eat Somewhere Else

May 20, 2024

The restaurant business is littered with eateries that started with great promise, only to fizzle out. Kind of like radio station formats. For today’s blog, it’s a look at consumer food products and the lengths they now go to in order to stand out and grab attention – without compromising the essence of their brands. I hope that deep into my many analogies, you’ll walk away with a different way to think about the radio stations you program and market.

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The Most Strategic Marketing You Can Do For Your Station Right Now? Promote Your App!

May 17, 2024

As research budgets continue to dwindle, broadcasters should recognize just how much free data is available. That’s what our Techsurveys have been all about over the past 20 years. And now a new research study focused on female radio consumers is out, and it’s loaded with timely and actionable insights. One of its conclusions? Radio could do a much better job with its mobile app efforts. That’s the topic of today’s blog post, along with some easy and free techniques any station can use to market its app.

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Pulling The Plug On A Radio Brand

May 16, 2024

What makes a legendary radio station? Is it about how many Marconi and Crystal statues it manages to snag? Is it about how much cash flowed during its lifetime? Or is it more about longevity and whether it stayed with its original format throughout its radio lifetime? That’s the topic of today’s #TBT blog post where the center of attention is a long-running radio station whose plug got pulled five years ago in 2019. You know the call letters, but can we consider this station an iconic radio brand?

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