Our Latest Industry Blogs

In The New Media World, Is Success A RIght Or A Privilege?

July 2, 2024

The deluge of new media and technology compels us to think differently, whether you’re an FM radio station in Minot or you’re Microsoft. Last month, the CEO of the latter challenged the industry and his own company to be more relevant or face the inevitable thinning of the media and technology herd. In today’s post, I’ve taken that charge seriously, providing three good examples of how to pivot a career and make it work. Will it be inspiration to you at this time in your career cycle? You tell me.

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Is It “AI” Or Al? (And Does Anyone Care?)

July 1, 2024

Radio’s issue with AI – or vice-versa – get more interesting with each passing week. The newest episode comes from television where a certain high-profile network sports personality has given his permission to use his voice for a high-profile marketing campaign around the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris. There are major implications with using the AI voice of a superstar talent for promotional purposes, something radio broadcasters will eventually have to deal with, probably sooner rather than later.

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Cracking The QR Code

June 28, 2024

The COVID ordeal is one we’d all just aa soon forget. But the pandemic resurrected QR codes, a safe, clean way to access restaurant menus. And from there, the technology was reborn. Today’s blog post shares the newest research results for QR codes – who’s using them and what they use them for. For radio, they might prove to be a free promotional tool during an economic time when marketing budgets are at a premium or they no longer exist.

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Copyright Clashes, ID Drama, and Al Michaels’ AI Adventure!

June 27, 2024

This week has been packed with stories about innovative tools and creative outputs being developed with AI models. Intertwined with copyright controversies and fears of privacy and job loss, we are witnessing real advancements in how AI customizes content for users and enhances ad creativity for good causes. Dive in to discover how AI is…

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BIA’s Rick Ducey: How Radio Can Capture A Bigger Piece Of The Revenue Pie

June 27, 2024

If you get frustrated by “experts” who are never held accountable for their predictions, today’s #TBT post is for you. In June of 2019, we called on a certain media pro to forecast the revenue pie for that year – and for the next FOUR YEARS. Who knew a major pandemic would throw a monkey wrench into everything? But for this flashback post, we turned the clock back to see how he did – COVID and all. To find out this savant’s identity and to see how his predictions fared, click on READ MORE.

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Public Radio And Local News: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again

June 26, 2024

Public radio stations around the country are trying to regain their equilibrium in the face of rising deficits and difficulties monetizing their digital assets. But there’s one glaring opportunity few have truly leaned into that could exploit and enhance one of its true “superpowers.” Problem is, the competition sees it, too.

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How Radio Can Improve Its Digital Content Batting Average

June 25, 2024

Yesterday’s blog post quesitoned whether the oft-stated myth – “Radio survived TV in the 1950s so it wlll reinvent itself in the Internet Age” – holds water. Today’s post is a more granular look at the specific digital content radio organizations have created during these past 30 years – and what will transpire moving forward. And I pose questions – 17 of them, in fact – every content creator and media executive should ask before greenlighting new media products. This is an interative process. I’m hoping to hear from many of you because this is truly a community effort. In fact, that may be the only way for radio to address its current set of daunting challenges.

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Dispelling the “Radio Survived TV So We’ll Survive The Internet” Myth

June 24, 2024

A comfortable trope in the radio broadcasting industry has traditionally implied that just as the medium survived and even thrived after the television revolution in the 1950s, radio will innovate its way out of its current challenges. But is this historical perspective valid? In today’s blog post we journey back to the pivots radio made during those years, as well as the technology of those times that saved the day for radio. What can we learn from those wily broadcasters who figured out how to reinvent radio?

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American Radio On The World Stage

June 21, 2024

Last week in Prague, I was honored to speak at the WorldDAB’s auto event. Like our DASH Conferences, it was a fascinating mashup of automotive execs and radio broadcasters, coming together to discuss opportunities and challenges. There was a lot to take in so I boiled down the big takeaways in today’s post.

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My Dad Won Guns N’ Roses Tickets!!!!

June 20, 2024

An amazing 60-second video of an over-the-top contest winner is a reminder to everyone in radio not just about the value of prizes, but the impact stations can have on people’s lives. Even a correct caller ticket giveaway that looks like just another element on the program log can provide the thrill of a lifetime for a listener, something that radio does like no other medium. At a time when many people are in need of a little joy, it can be radio to the rescue.

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