Our Latest Industry Blogs

They Love Radio (But They Don’t Love US)

May 9, 2024

In our effort to analyze whether the word “radio” should give way to more expansive terms like “audio” or even “media,” we might want to pay attention to a growing phenomenon: more and more “amateurs” are creating their own radio stations in their workplaces, often accompanied by much joy, enthusiasm, and passion. What does this say about how consumers value the romance of “radio” but also how they feel about us broadcasters?

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What Is “Audience Development” Anyway?

May 8, 2024

April showers, May flowers, June PRTS.  Perhaps not romantic or even memorable, but for all of us at Jacobs Media and PRPD (now known as PMCC or Public Media Content Collective), June is the month where the fieldwork begins on the biggest study of public radio in America.  And this year’s effort will follow suit…

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“We Have Lost The Script”

May 7, 2024

The big news story this month has been campus unrest making its way through college campuses across America. At Columbia University, its college radio station distinguished itself with stellar coverage of that school’s student protests.

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“Americans REALLY Love Classic Rock”

May 6, 2024

In response to questions from two readers, the Washington Post’s data department tested the appeal of 20 different formats/genres across an extensive array of national demographic groups. And in an impressive showing, one of them took top honors in 17 of 20 categories. To learn the big winner, just click on “Read More.”

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The Auto Industry To Radio: Crank It Up!

May 3, 2024

The “AM For Every Vehicle Act” continues to make progress in D.C., no simple task given these contentious times. But hearings earlier this week had their share of fireworks and even controversy, thanks to a “crank’ idea from the auto industry. No one said it would be easy.

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Generating Content with AI

May 2, 2024

This week has been a rarity in the AI world, a week where there have been no major press releases, upgrades, mergers, affiliations, or PR disasters. Behind the scenes, there have been previews of upcoming things to look forward to, such as a recurring rumor about Apple both teaming with ChatGPT for upcoming iPhone releases and Microsoft releasing a…

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How Are Your Ratings?

May 2, 2024

The loneliest job in the radio station? Hands down, it’s the PD. Everyone in the station likes to think they’re a program director – until the book comes out. And if it’s taken a tumble, the PD is likely suffering alone. Today’s #TBT post is an homage to all those radio programmers – past and present – who are cranking out multiple music logs before holiday weekends while everyone else at the station is out the door, making out those weekend schedules, and taking complaint calls from angry listeners. Hats off to the PD.

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First I Look At The Purse

May 1, 2024

When the going gets tough, the tough find reveneue somewhere.

These days, radio’s directors of sales have to creatively divine money wherever they can – even in unconventional places.  But when you’ve got ample audience in unpopular demographics, you’d better make the best of a challenging situation. A very popular brand you all know has launched a slick media campaign unashamedlly targetting mature adults. If they’re right, there will be important lessons here for radio broadcasters.

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Radio’s Game Theory

April 30, 2024

Playing the ratings and revenue game has become precarious for radio in 2024 – whether you work for commercial or public radio stations. In an environment where ad dollars are increasingly hard to come by and the competition seems to be expanding exponentiallly, radio organizations need innovative solutions to traditional challenges. The answer may be puzzling in more ways than one. But, of course, that’s the game we’re playing. (Click “read more” to escape from my lame puns.)

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“The One Thing” About Techsurvey 2024

April 26, 2024

Yesterday’s industry presentation of Techsurvey 2024 seemed to be the right data at the right time. But to get a sense from YOU about what stood out, I asked webinar attendees to tell me their “one thing” takeaway from the study. The response was excellent, as you’ll read in today’s post.

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