Memorial Day Weekend – 2024

It couldn’t come soon enough.

Like most of you, we’re heading out of here for a weekend of (hopefully) sun, family, friends, and a well-needed break. I’d say “Where has the year gone?” but you’re probably already thinking that.

I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for reading our blog these past several months, and for those of you who have been checking out our posts for many years now. I enjoy the process of writing JacoBLOG each weekday, and always appreciate your feedback, whether it’s kind, critical, or somewhere in the middle.

I get help on ideas from our staff and a bunch of you who shoot me articles, ideas, and thoughts.  Thanks for these additions.  I like when this online effort is “crowd-sourced.”  It helps keep me plugged into the world and what you’re thinking.

I would also like to encourage you to remember that while the airwaves will be filled with commercials for car dealerships and department stores, the essence of why we have this time off is to remember those who have sacrificed their lives serving in the armed forces. It is also the time to remember their families, too.

And it is not lost on me this year of all years, they served so we could be free and enjoy living in a democratic society, as gnarly as that can be at times.  No matter your politics – I hope that’s something we can all agree on is worth fighting for – whether it’s a far away desert, jungle, or city streets.

Outside of radio and my family, a favorite pastime is baseball.  My Dad was a huge fan, and fortunately passed his love for the game to me and my two brothers.  I have been continually impressed by Major League Baseball’s commitment to veterans in general, and this weekend when we honor them.

Sidney R. Jacobs

Our Dad was also a WWII veteran who honorably served in Europe during the war years.  He was always proud of his service and his Bronze Star, and what he and his peers – the “Greatest Generation” – gave to our country.  Our family was proud and thankful for what he and his generation did for all of us.

Sadly, he passed away right as I was starting up Jacobs Media, so he missed much of my journey, as well as Paul and Bill’s.  I think of him a lot at random times of the year, but especially over this holiday weekend, which he often referred to as Decoration Day, its original name.

Many of you will be taking in a baseball game over the weekend, and it will be hard to miss those Memorial Day themed uniforms and caps and the red poppies in honor of this holiday weekend. 

I will return with a fresh post on Tuesday, and will be very much ready to get back in the saddle as the summer gets underway. Be safe, don’t change formats, wear sunscreen, be kind, and we’ll meet up here again next week.

Originally published by Jacobs Media