Nothing like a Good Comeback!

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Nokia may be looking to make a comeback to the mobile phone market. According to USA Today, just last year, Nokia finalized a deal to sell its device and handset business to Microsoft for a whopping $7 billion.

Since the company made the deal with Microsoft, Nokia will be at a stand still when it comes to re-entering the mobile phone space…for now.  Per their agreement, Nokia will be able to get back into it near the end of 2016.

As of right now, Nokia is focused more on mobile networking and other technologies, and returning to the mobile phone industry will require a brand new approach. Nokia was a leader in the market until the emergence of smart phones and companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung.

It will be interesting to see Nokia re-enter the market, and what new approaches they will take to be successful in the mobile space.

Originally published by Jacobs Media