Mobile Marketing – What We Are Doing Wrong

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Smartphones have been quickly surpassing the use of desktops for a while now, especially when it comes to online usage. Mobile has even expanded from portable tablets to the newest wearables. The mobile space is always evolving and changing, and because using smartphones for almost everything has become the new normal, marketers have been taking up new opportunities to utilize mobile marketing.

Mobile marketing requires new approaches and ideas, especially because the use of mobile is a lot more of a personal tool. If you are like most marketers, you are likely not utilizing the mobile space in the correct ways.

Here are 5 ways you may be doing mobile wrong:

1. You are treating the mobile screen as just another screen
Many marketers use the same content that they would use on other mediums, but that simply will not give you the best performance.  If you want to utilize the mobile space in the best way possible, it is necessary to design and optimize for the mobile screen and user experience.

2. You are stopping people from doing what they want
Interrupting consumers with advertisements in exchange for free content has become pretty normal. However, it is not okay to interrupt someone from checking a game score, or to disrupt an entertaining video. Your brand needs to figure out a way to not take advantage while also being fair about it.

3. You are selling, not adding value
Marketers sometimes see the smartphone as just a handset, and forget that there is a person on the other end holding onto it. People treat their smartphones as a sort of “companion”, so marketers should try to go beyond just making a sale, and gain trust and loyalty.

4. You are focused on awareness and acquisition, but not on loyalty
You are easily able to reach those who may already have your app, so focus on your existing leads as well as your current customers. This will allow the opportunity for deeper engagement, as well as help grow your relationships. This will help your customer feel better connected to your brand.

5. You are not concentrating on driving customers to the store
iBeacons are very popular and are a great way to gain data on your customers in store, but you can not forget about the approaches that drive customers to come into your store. Geo fencing is a great tool for targeting customers and trying to get them to come visit.


Originally published by Jacobs Media