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5 Things All Businesses Need to Know About Mobile

Why Your Business Needs a Voice Strategy

Monetizing Mobile White Paper

Multiple Ways Radio Stations Can Monetize Podcasts with a Mobile App

Nice Platforms!

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 25, 2014

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantNo, I’m not talking about shoes. But the way some media companies think about new media platforms, you’d think they were living in the 70’s. Name one successful media company that is entirely focused on one platform or delivery channel.  You can’t do it. It…

Location, Location, Location

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 25, 2014

The mobile space, lately, is sounding a lot like the real estate business. Remember the worldwide web? Having conquered the world and made it a little smaller, digital technology is getting a lot closer to home. Having all the world’s information in your pocket is really cool, but sometimes it’s more useful to have reliable…

Millennials in Motion

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 25, 2014

Last month as I sat on Woodward Avenue in Detroit watching 30,000 examples of Detroit’s (and the world’s) four-wheeled finest roll by, I was struck by something – the drivers of these cars were mostly … okay, I’ll just say it … old.  My sister said, “these cars are so cool, but who’s gonna care…

The Single Bullet Theory

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 25, 2014

Reddit recently released an app for their highly popular Ask Me Anything feature (AMA). If you’re not familiar with it, Reddit gets notable people to sit down for a session with their users where those users can, as the title suggests, ask the person anything. The concept has led to some great interviews where the…

Have You Made The Top 30?

By Elizabeth Hussey | September 25, 2014

With seemingly infinite media choices facing the consumer wherever she goes – online, music streaming services, the “center stack,” and of course, radio stations – only so many brands break through. This is becoming even more problematic as the options multiply.  Thinking about the challenge of the “connected car,” drivers set up their systems when…